Are You Tired of Dry, Cracked Winter Feet? I Know I Am!

Are You Tired of Dry, Cracked Winter Feet? I Know I Am!

My left foot was always my cracked foot. Cracked? YES! I swear, I would wake up one morning and my heel would just be dry and cracked. No amount of pedicures or lotion would help until...

  1. I made the decision to stop neglecting my feet. That's actually the first step. 
  2. I add Lavender Rose Foaming Bath Cubes to all of my baths. You guys, lavender AND rose? The luxury. Bath time is really a necessity more than a luxury. That's where people mess themselves up...they think that taking the time to care for themselves is a luxury. Make the time to take a bath, soak your muscles and those feet. Lavender helps put babies to sleep so why not me?
  3. The luxury doesn't end there. Twice a week while I'm catching up on my shows, I soak my feet and add the Bahia Honey Herbal Foot Soak. I scrub my heels then I let my feet just relax while soaking up all of that moisture. 
  4. I stretch and massage my feet nightly. When your feet feel good, you want to take care of them. You know how people who run track stretch? I mean, you know what you've seen in movies because I definitely don't run track...or at all but I do have eyes and I've seen them stretch. 
  5. It's cold outside and inside so we're all wearing socks around the house. You want to know what my secret weapon is? After I give these babies a nice scrub and soak, I slather Bahia Honey Body Beautiful on my feet, I get my heels really good then I put my socks on. It's a spa treatment at my feet. Literally! 


Summer, Bahia Honey Blogger

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